
Maximilian Altmeyer

Dr. Maximilian Altmeyer conducts research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User Experience, and Gamification. Collaborating with leading international research teams, he advances understanding in these areas through  basic research and the design and empirical evaluation of interactive systems.
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Klaus Berberich

The research focus of Prof. Dr. Berberich is in the fields of information retrieval, machine learning, data mining, and web archives.
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Jorge E. Bohorquez

The research of Prof. Dr. Bohorquez focuses on the development of methods and equipment for neurophysiology and neuro-monitoring, high-rate stimulation for monitoring of hearing and vision, objective hearing assessment, atrial electrocardiography, and state of awareness in anesthesia.
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Barbara Cattarius

Prof. Dr. Barbara Cattarius has expertise in sleep disorders in the peripartum context,
prenatal attachment formation and the transition to parenthood.
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Alexander Francis

Prof Dr Francis’ research uses psychophysiological and behavioral measures to investigate speech perception, attention, listening effort, balance, vestibular function, and noise sensitivity and annoyance across the adult lifespan.
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Bergita Ganse

Prof. Dr. Bergita Ganse’s research focuses on the musculoskeletal system in spaceflight, immobilization and ageing, as well as bone fractures and biomechanics.
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Steven Hackley

Research at Dr. Hackley’s lab is concerned with the neural basis of attention and action in neurologically normal adults and in people with Parkinson’s disease. Methodology includes surface electrophysiology, brainstem reflexes, neuroimaging, and behavioral measures.
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Steven Hillyard

Prof. Dr. Steven A. Hillyard focuses on the neural mechanisms of attention, perception, and cognition. His research is about noninvasive recording and neuroimaging to identify and characterize spatiotemporal organization of attentional selection, perceptual integration, cross-modal interaction and semantic memory processes in the human brain.
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Ramona Hoffmann

The research focus of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hoffmann is on strength analysis and design optimization for prostheses and implants, biomechanical modeling and optimal control simulations of human movements.
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Michael Kleer

The research of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Kleer is in the field of automation, human-machine-environment interaction and robotics. He has a deep research background in the area of interactive driving simulation and test system development.
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Steffen Knapp

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Knapp is interested in communication technologies for real-time and transport systems, distributed real-time systems and cooperative assistance systems.
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Stefan Landgraeber

Prof. Dr. Landgraeber’s lab works on the biomechanics of healthy, affected and treated joints, the development of new damage models and damage analysis of biological tissues.
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Matthias Laschke

Research in the Laschke group focuses on tissue engineering and regeneration, physiological and pathological angiogenesis, microcirculation and vascular biology, endometriosis and surgical pathophysiology.
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Martina Lehser

Prof. Dr. Martina Lehser’s research focuses on embedded systems, real-time systems, multicore architectures, robotics and autonomous transport systems.
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Robert Lemor

Robert Lemor does research on biophysical aspects of cancer leveraging his knowledge of acoustic engineering, instrumentation engineering and computing in mathematics, natural science & engineering and medicine.
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Sebastian Markert

Sebastian Markert is interested in the interaction between neuronal tissue and technical systems, trying to apply engineering in neurobiology. He is also interested in evolutionary neuroscience; how nervous systems were shaped by evolution in humans and other animals.
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Michael Menger

Research in the Menger group focusses on inflammation biology, vascular pathophysiology, tumor biology and transplantation medicine.
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Eva Moehler

Prof. Dr. Eva Moehler’s scientific focus is the parent-child interaction, especially with a focus on risk factors for child abuse. A further focus of her research is on stress and trauma.
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Joachim Oertel

Prof. Dr. Joachim Oertel’s research focuses on the optimization and development of minimally invasive surgical techniques in cranial as well as spinal neurosurgery. The focus is on new endoscopic procedures and techniques.
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Özcan Özdamar

Prof. Dr. Özcan Özdamar’s research interests include neurosensory instrumentation and engineering, neurophysiological signal processing, electrophysiological brain monitoring, auditory/audiological instrumentation, electrocochleography and electroretinography.
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Richard Reilly

Prof. Dr. Richard Reilly’s research focuses on neural implantable devices and systems, neural processing of signals reflecting activity if the human sensory and motor systems and on biomedical acoustics.
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Oliver Scholz

Prof. Dr. Oliver Scholz’s scientific focus is on biomedical telemetry and bio-monitoring incorporating inductive telemetry links for implant control and physiological data acquisition as well as low power radio modems in the medium and upper UHF frequency bands.
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Karsten Schwerdtfeger

Prof. Dr. Karsten Schwerdtfeger’s research focuses on progressive brain compression and decompressive craniectomy, transcranial magnetic stimulation and cortical neurodynamics.
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Jürgen Steimle

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle investigates embedded and embodied user interfaces that seamlessly merge with the physical world and the human body. His current focus areas include flexible sensors and displays, on-body interaction and wearable computing, touch and haptic interfaces, digital fabrication and new materials for interaction.
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Daniel J. Strauss

Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel J. Strauss research group performs multidisciplinary research on multiscale systems neuroscience, quantitative neuromodeling and neuroimaging. They try to bridge the gap between theoretical and computational approaches in systems neuroscience and neurotechnological applications in and human-machine-interface research.
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Toshiyo Tamura

Prof. Dr. Toshiyo Tamura’s research interests include biomedical instrumentation, biosignal processing, telemedicine telecare, home care technology and rehabilitation engineering. Current research interests are development of noninvasive cuffless blood pressure including video imaging and proposing IoT models to prevent heatstroke during daily activities.
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Jonas Vibell

Prof. Dr. Vibell’s group investigates how behavior and cognition links to brain activation. His current work looks at the perception of spatial representations between different sensory modalities. He is also interested in understanding and advancing neuronal recordings of brain signals.
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Michael Zemlin

The research group of the Dept. of General Paediatrics and Neonatology carries out projects in the fields of Neonatology, Developmental Immunology (focus on adaptive immune system), non-contact diagnostics including analyses of volatile organic substances as well as clinical studies.
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