Center for Digital Neurotechnologies Saar
The Center for Digital Neurotechnologies Saar (CDNS) will advance human-centered digital technologies in biomedicine, human-machine-interaction, and sensory immersion by neuroscientific & neurotechnological research.
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Established in the year 2021 and anchored in the State of Saarland, Germany, the CDNS was originally founded as an interinstitutional Center of the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar), Saarland University (UdS), and the Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology (ZeMA). Today, it provides an overarching and collaborative environment for scientists and technologists from multiple disciplines and from all over the world. Along with its company members, the center also forms a hub for linking and translating neurotechnological research to industry and society.
Spokesperson of Neurotechnology
Spokesperson of
Digital Processes
Spokesperson of
Clinical Medicine
Spokesperson of
Computer Science
Managing Director